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Inspired Natives Not Native Inspired

  This may look like the best album cover of 2024. "Slamming Blankets" LP but it is in fact the stunner photo taken by Native photographer Kari Rowe. The vision of Louie Gong, Eighth Generation's Founder the Inspired Natives has changed the way art entrepreneurs and businesses interact with Native artists. In 2014 Heart Berry began an incredible journey as an Inspired Natives collaborator.    Louie signing his prints available at Eighth Generation This group of groundbreakers, trailblazers, and community focused Native artists have taken the world of Native art and business by its tailfeathers and shaken things up. We gathered all together for the first time in the fall of 2024 for Seattle's Townhall and to share pizza at...

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Inspired Natives Gather in Seattle!

Inspired Natives, not Native Inspired is the driving force behind Louie Gong's vision of creating a new way forward for Native artists with Eighth Generation. The whole crew recently gathered in Seattle for a panel in the historic Town Hall complete with Native art market and chefs. An incredible Inspired Natives Event. Shenanigans were had. @Eighth Generation @JohnIsaiahPepion @louiegong #oxdx #milocreations ♬ original sound - Heart Berry  Who are the Inspired Natives? Louie Gong (Nooksack) founder of Eighth Generation whose inspiring and groundbreaking work has changed the industry through the reclamation of the wool blanket and changing the paradigm around how businesses should work with Native artists. Michelle Lowden (Pueblo) of Milo Creations whose work has a resilience and...

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Sovereignty and Native Excellence

Here at Heart Berry, this small business on the Rez, we are committed to Sovereignty.  Sovereignty of our community, our culture, our economy, our bodies, and our futures.  We love to utilize our cultural art and our space here with you to build that sovereignty.  With the power of your support and collaboration of the MN Wonderwall our give backs to the ICWA Law Center and Wakan Tipi donated over $16,000! Just imagine what is possible! At a recent awards ceremony I was inspired to create a scholarship for Native students seeking education past high school.  We have so much power to create space that supports our young native scholars and build a future more independent, more sovereign, than we...

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