Origin Story
Heart Berry began as House of Howes in a kitchen in Northern Minnesota on the Rez.
In 2014, House of Howes was a small custom regalia business.
Sarah Agaton Howes (Anishinaabe) created custom beadwork,
quilts, regalia, and moccasins for clients across the midwest.
The demand for cultural art and cultural tools quickly out grew
what Howes could manage. She knew it was time for a shift.
That is when she started teaching her community HOW to be
Meanwhile-- In Seattle Washington, Nooksack artist and teacher
Louie Gong began to follow his vision to create a Native Lifestyle
Brand Eighth Generation.
Alongside Gong’s new brand, he wanted to mentor and provide
space for Native Arts Entrepreneur. Through creating an alternative
to brands culturally appropriating Native designs his work was
changing the narrative around Native Entrepreneurship.
Gong contacted Howes in 2014 to become a part of the Inspired Native™ Project.
Howes often describes her joy and says
“I literally clicked my heels. Imagine theperson you admire the most sending you a message asking if you’d like to work with them!”
Howes went in full tilt. Gong’s mentorship continues to change the lives of Native entrepreneurs across the hemisphere
and his vision to build Eighth Generation
has built it into the largest Native Brand in North America.
Rooted in her beadwork designs, Sarah's art is embedded in the Ojibwe Floral tradition.
Bringing to life and the market the foods, medicines, and stories of her community,
Howes loves to bring the traditional and contemporary together in her art.
From pencil to the computer to the studio.
From the Rez to Heartberry.com.
Heart Berry is the confluence of many moments.
Grown from this experience what was "House of Howes" became "Heart Berry" in 2019.
The Ode'imin or "heart berry" has been a constant in Howes' work whether in art, running, or community.
"It felt like such a logical transition. And now that Heart Berry
is more than just a one woman show, it's about that story of the heart."
At our heart is always our community work. We teach residencies across our area
about Ojibwe art, history, and business. We teach moccasin making classes
as our way of contributing to the renewal in our homelands.
We are more than wearable art. You may see Heart Berry now on walls, windows, and waterparks.
We have been very busy creating custom murals and logos for tribes, organizations, and architecture.
From a one woman show to a team effort.
We are thrilled to grow and bring our community along with us.
Miigwech for supporting Heart Berry and Native businesses.