Lessons of the Berry

As we all continue to learn and grow we were thrilled to be invited to share about the cultural teachings of the ode'imin or heart berry with the Fond du Lac Public Health Program. We invited our Auntie Roxanne Delille as she taught us so much about the lessons of the Heart.  It's rare and beautiful to be able to gather across generations with our teachers and babies. 

Auntie Roxanne shared about her teachings of the strawberry and Giizh shared about how these have impacted the work of Heart Berry. Taking the time to identify a plant we feel a reciprocity and connection to we took time to create our own original piece of art. In our fast paced lives we often don't slow down long enough to think about these relationships and adorn our life with them but this is what we are always doing at Heart Berry. It is the origin of Ojibwe Floral.

We want to thank our public health program for their thoughtful programming with families and development of their staff. 

-and the strawberry plant-

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